About The Grange


143 Years of Service to Rural America !
The Grange is America’s oldest farm-based fraternal organization. We are a non-partisan, grassroots advocacy group for rural citizens with both legislative programs and community activities such as talent and craft contests, scholarships, youth programs and camps, and much more.
Established in Washington, D.C., in 1867, the National Grange consists of 3,878 Subordinate (local) Granges in 37 states with more than 300,000 members.


Today’s Grange is an organization with solid, time-tested roots. The current strength and effectiveness of the Grange is a logical outgrowth of more than 130 years of unified action. It is one of the nation’s oldest and most respected groups.

Over the past 13 decades the Grange has enjoyed numerous accomplishments. There have been years of explosive growth and some years of decline. But throughout its history the organization has stood for the American farmer and his rural neighbors, fighting for conditions and policies that would benefit this large group of people.

Because of its life-long commitment to boosting the standard of living for farmers and other rural residents, the Grange has often been the champion for better roads, schools and services by utilities in rural areas. There have been countless instances where the Grange on the state and national levels has entered public debate on numerous issues of importance to many Americans, both rural and urban alike. The Grange has fought for fair and equitable taxation, protection for consumers and producers, even-handed trade laws, honest efforts to develop rural America, and enhancement of provisions that foster positive ethical, social and moral conditions.
The National Grange has its own headquarters in Washington, D.C., the only non-governmental structure in an area of several blocks near the White House. Over the years, the Washington State Grange has had several from its ranks assume offices of importance in the National Grange.


The Grange is fulfilling a great need in communities across the state. It is an organization in which men, women and young people assemble for fellowship, discussion and formulation of policies on current issues. The Grange serves as a vehicle for promoting positive changes which help improve the quality of life for ALL citizens. As an organization that encourages the active participation of each family member, the Grange is strengthening the family structure for its members.
On the state and national levels, the Grange is continuing its long tradition of advocating for all Americans, especially those under-represented residents of our farms, small towns and rural areas. All too often, political powers from heavily populated urban areas push their agendas and the Grange is frequently the only voice the rural residents have to express their needs. The Grange’s philosophy has always been that what is good for America’s farms and rural residents is GOOD FOR THE ENTIRE NATION.

Each year, a listing of more than 1,400 issues of concern is published and distributed by the National Grange. Current national issues include:
• Rural Highways & Infrastructure
• Rural Schools Partnerships
• Conservation Reserve Program
• Rural Medicare Reform
• United Nations Climate Control
• Regional Dairy Compacts
• Fast Track Trade Legislation
• Endangered Species Act
• Food Safety Protection
• Rural Telecommunications Access
• Preservation of Farmland
The National Grange supports the passage of progressive legislation that will benefit U.S. agriculture, rural America, and the nation in general.  After 143 years, it remains the nation’s oldest and strongest sustained organizational force working for a better life for rural Americans everywhere.

Today’s Grange –
Today’s Grange provides an opportunity to serve by providing leadership for local community service projects is what the Grange does best.   The Grange believes in leadership development, and reaches out to all people in an effort to respond to real needs. It builds a better community by providing the services that people need to live better lives.

In working together, the Grange is able to provide assistance when the government can’t and individuals alone aren’t strong enough. By working together the Grange builds community and people.
The Grange provides each member with a legislative voice at the local, state and national level. Members are part of a grassroots constituency enabling them to effectively express their views and influence legislative policy at the highest levels of government. The Grange is nonpartisan, but it vigorously encourages member participation in the political process.
The fellowship, recreation and social activities in the Grange are developed with the family in mind – children and senior citizens alike are very welcome in the Grange. Competitions in music, art, public speaking, crafts, and a whole variety of other activities are an important part of every Grange’s agenda.

The local Grange is a great venue for keeping in touch with friends after the kids have left school activities!

•    The Subordinate (local) Grange:
This unit of the organization is built around the community. Men, women and youth are admitted on equal terms. Those who are 14 years of age are eligible for full membership. Each member has one vote. The local Grange elects its own officers and controls its own affairs in community matters.
Although regular business Grange meetings are for members only, the educational and literary programs are frequently open to the public. All Grange activities are for the purpose of developing leadership, improving community life, and expanding opportunities for all people.
Approximately 200,000 people are members of the Grange in 2,700 communities nationwide.

• The Pomona (County) Grange
• The State Grange
• The National Grange

Terrace Heights Grange #586
3701 W Birchfield Rd
Yakima, Washington
(509) 945-7490